Hello Math Majors,
I hope the second week of classes is starting well for you, and I hope that you continue to be healthy and well. This week, I want to discuss four tips that will help you start your semester well. These four tips are as follows:
1. GO TO CLASS! - The number #1 reason that I have seen students not be successful is because they did not go to class. I do realize that things can help that will prevent you from going to class, and those situations, you need to contact your instructor to explain your absence and seek help.
2. Introduce yourself to instructors and visit office hours. - Your course instructors are your number #1 resource to be successful in any course, so it is important to start the relationship with your instructors early in the semester. Office hours are your opportunity to ask questions of your instructor in a one-on-one setting, and they can be a important source of additional context or information about your course. Don't be afraid to reach out to your instructor for an appointment if their office hours don't work with your schedule.
3. Introduce yourself to your classmates to make new friends and potential study partners. - For many classes, you won't be able to get help from outside of class resources, so your classmates are going to be your second best resource outside of your course instructors. Your classmates will have different perspectives than you do, and it is always helpful to have different perspectives about different topics or problems in a class.
4. Use your planner, smart phone, Google Calendar, or some other calendar to input deadlines for papers, quizzes and tests. - It is much easier to keep track of important dates and deadlines if you commit to writing them down or inputting them into a calendar. There are some calendar apps that can be set up to give you reminders about important dates and deadlines.
Academic success involves more than just these four tips, but mastering these four things will help you in every course that you enroll in. I would also be glad to help you with anything that comes up as you get settled into this spring semester.
Right now, I am taking in-person, Zoom, and phone meetings in 45 minute blocks from 8:30 am to 12:00 noon and from 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm every weekday unless it is my drop-in advising hours. You can schedule a meeting with me by using the MyPlan system and clicking here (clicking here will open a file explaining the MyPlan appointment system), by calling the College of Arts and Sciences Academic and Career Advising Center at 402-472-4190, by calling me at 402-472-4319, or by emailing me at dpellatz@unl.edu. The easiest and fastest way to schedule a meeting is to use MyPlan or call the College Advising Center. My advising appointments will return to 45 minute blocks instead of 30 minute blocks on Wednesday, January 26.
I will be taking virtual only drop-in meetings on Tuesdays from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon and on Fridays from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Virtual only drop-in meetings will use the CAS Drop-In Advising Zoom Room at https://unl.zoom.us/my/casadvising, and these meetings will be on Zoom only. Please visit https://cas.unl.edu/drop-in-advising-schedule for more information about Drop-in Advising in the College of Arts and Sciences.
I can also answer questions via email, but my response times are going to be slower due to the amount of email and the amount of meetings I am having each day. Please continue to be patient as we begin the Spring 2022 semester.
Best wishes, Doug
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