Spring 2022 Pre-Health Workshops
The Exploratory and Pre-Professional Advising Center (aka the Explore Center) has released their schedule of Spring 2022 Pre-Health Workshops. The Explore Center offers a lot of great workshops to help you on your path to admission to a professional health program.
MCAT Workshop
Wednesday, Feb. 2, 4-5 p.m. Via Zoom: https://unl.zoom.us/j/98541576221
The MCAT is an important piece of your application to medical school. We’ll review the content of the exam, discuss considerations for when to take it, and share preparation strategies and resources.
Applying to Health Schools 101
Wednesday, Apr. 20, 4-5 p.m. Love Library South 221
Whether you are applying now or in the next few years, come to this workshop to learn about the steps in the application process and what you can do now to prepare to submit your best application. This workshop will not cover information about applying to nursing school, radiography programs, or dental hygiene programs.
Essays for Health Schools Workshop
Wednesday, Mar. 23, 4-5 p.m. Love Library South 221
Thursday, Apr. 21, 4-5 p.m. Love Library South 221
What are professional school admissions committees looking for in your application essay? Learn how to write a great application essay for the health profession school you are applying to. With guidance from the UNL Writing Center, you will also start drafting some ideas for your essay.
GRE Prep for Health School Applications
Thursday, Mar. 24, 4-5 p.m. Love Library South 221
If the GRE is required for admission to your professional health program, join us for a one-hour overview of the exam. We will cover the format of the GRE, outline timelines for studying for and taking the exam, and share helpful resources and advice on preparing to take the GRE.
Financing Health School Education
Thursday, Apr. 14, 4-5 p.m. Love Library South 221
The extra years of school required to attain your career in healthcare will have financial implications (debt, costs of living, etc.). Attend this session and start thinking about how you can prepare financially for your advanced education and learn about programs available to help you pay back your health school educational costs.
AMCAS Application Info Session
Thursday, Apr. 28, 4-6 p.m. Love Library South 221
If you will be applying to medical school this summer or fall, this workshop will cover all of the aspects of your AMCAS application. We will have plenty of time for your questions so that you can hit the ground running when the application opens in May.
Please visit https://explorecenter.unl.edu/pre-health for more information about Pre-Health Advising from the Explore Center!