Husker Suit - Up Weeklong Virtual Event
January 30th-February 6th, 2022, https://go.unl.edu/huskersuitup
• Looking to grow or build your professional wardrobe for the upcoming career fair or possible job interviews? Check out the Husker Suit-Up event where you can take an extra 30% off select career and dress apparel either in-store or online through shopping at JC Penney.
• To receive your Extra 30% off coupon code for select career and dress apparel, text HUSKERSUITUP to 67292.
• Coupon code can be used in-store or online. To shop online go to the special JCPenney Suit-Up site and enter the coupon code at checkout to receive your discount. Online orders can be picked up in-store or delivered to your door. This online event is open to any UNL student, alumni, faculty & staff.
• Questions? Contact Amber Pape at apape2@unl.edu or 402-472-3145.