USDA Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC) - State Program Technician
California ISO - Operations Trainee - System Operator
Success Academy Charter Schools (NY) - Associate, 3-12 Math Content Design
IBM - 2023 Entry Level Associate Data Engineer
Institute for Defense Analyses - Research Associate - Quantitative Analysis (SFRD) and Research Associate – Quantitative Analysis (CARD)
US LBM Holdings, LLC - Demand Planner
Tata Consultancy Services - Entry Level Data Analyst
SelectQuote - Junior Data Analyst, IT Intern - Telecommunications and Application Support, IT Intern - DevOps and Infrastructure, and IT Intern - Business Intelligence
ADM - BI Developer Intern, Data Scientist Intern, and Machine Learning Intern
Procter & Gamble (P&G) - Summer Research & Development Scientist Intern
SMBC - 2023 Summer Intern Program – Data Strategy
Bank of America - Corporate Audit- Automation, Data Quality, Tech 2023 Analyst
Mutual of Omaha - Summer 2023 Individual Life Underwriting Intern - Omaha, NE or Remote
Army Program Executive Office, Combat Support & Combat Service Support and Program Executive Office, Ground Combat Systems - DCAIP Intern (Business - Cost Estimating or Financial Management)
Viasat Inc - Software Engineer Intern - Data Science, DevOps Engineer Intern, DevOps Engineer Intern, and DevOps Engineer Intern (the last three position announcements are different)
And many more opportunities available on Handshake!!
I would also encourage you to check out open positions on some of the job boards listed on the Math Research and Internship Opportunities page of the Math Club's website: https://www.math.unl.edu/math-club/resources/research. We are also trying to list open research positions within the department on this webpage as well. I was also directed to this webpage: Math at Work Monday from Math for Grownups. Every Monday, a new interview is posted where a current professional discusses how they use Math at work.