JMM Undergraduate Student Poster Session
The Joint Mathematics Meeting is the largest annual meeting of mathematicians organized by the American Mathematical Society (AMS). Below is an opportunity for students to present their research either as a talk or as a poster in two sessions sponsored by Pi MU Epsilon (PME), the honors math society.
The deadline for students to submit abstracts to present at either the AMS-PME Poster Session or the PME Contributed Paper Session (CPS) has been extended until October 10, 2022.
Here are additional details:
1. To submit an abstract, a student should visit https://meetings.ams.org/math/jmm2023/pme/cfp.cgi. At the bottom of the page, there is a button where they may begin a submission. The abstract submission process is quite complex. Feel free to ask for help with this either from your research advisor or from Dr. Seceleanu (aseceleanu@unl.edu).
2. If a poster or talk has multiple presenters, they need not list co-presenter information with the abstract. Session organizers will contact the primary presenters who submitted abstracts, immediately after acceptances have been sent out, and request such information at that time.
3. Travel funding application instructions:
o AMS-PME Poster Session: Travel grants for the poster session are handled by the AMS and not PME. Acceptance emails for the poster session will be sent as soon as possible after the 10/10 submission deadline. However, a student may begin a travel grant application immediately after submitting their abstract. The application form is located at https://www.mathprograms.org/db/programs/1304. The student will then need to upload their acceptance email by the October 21st grant application deadline. Note that for the poster session, both the primary presenter and any co-presenters are eligible to apply for funding. Co-presenters will be uploading the acceptance email sent to their primary presenter.
o PME Contributed Paper Sessions: Travel grants for the CPS are handled by PME; recipients must be PME members. As soon as possible after the 10/10 deadline, email acceptances will be sent out to presenters with application instructions.