Dr. Tefjol Pllaha's MATH 391: The Mathematics of Quantum Computing course has been CANCELED for the Spring 2023 Pre-Session due to low enrollment.
The Mathematics of Quantum Computing
During the spring 2023 pre-session, Dr. Tefjol Pllaha is going to teach MATH 391: Special Topics in Mathematics: The Mathematics of Quantum Computing.
MATH 391: Special Topics in Mathematics: The Mathematics of Quantum Computing
Instructor: Dr. Tefjol Pllaha
Class Time: Web Conferencing, 9:30-12:30 MTWRF (three 5-10 minute breaks)
Virtual Office Hour: TBD
Email: tefjol.pllaha@unl.edu
Recommended Text Book: Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, 2nd edition by Michael Nielsen and Isaac Chuang.
The primary source will be lecture notes provided by the instructor and worksheets, but the text will be helpful as a secondary resource to enhance your understanding.
Course Description: Quantum computing provides a fundamentally new approach to computation and a quantum future is closer than ever. This course will show students the mathematical methods needed to understand and apply quantum computing.
Students will learn and apply fundamental concepts in quantum computing, including qubits, entanglement, measurements, quantum gates, and universality. They will apply mathematical methods to design and analyze quantum circuits.
Class Format: Familiarity with concepts and methods from linear algebra (MATH 314) are expected. These include bases, subspaces, matrix operations and properties, inner products, orthogonality etc. However, the course will start with all the necessary preliminaries.
Attendance and active participation is expected.
Theoretical notions will be tested with qiskit - an open source python based software for working with quantum computers. Students interested in programming will have the option to dive deeper with the IBM Quantum Lab.
The final grade will be based out of five homework sets (50%), one project (20%), and final exam (30%).
Please contact Dr. Tefjol Pllaha (tefjol.pllaha@unl.edu) with any questions.