On Thursday, March 23 at 5 pm in 351 Avery Hall, the Math Club will host "One-Cut Origami" by Maciej Piwowarczyk. The noble pursuit of origami has been around for centuries. Audience participation is encouraged and appreciated! Pizza and soda will be provided! Continue reading…
The Upward Bound Math and Science program works to provide opportunities for students to experience STEM activities in hands on learning activities. They are looking for a student who can provide math-based activities for their high school students this summer. Click here for more information! Continue reading…
Student Research Days 2023 will be March 27-31 this year and will feature a variety of events for you to participate in. The highlights of the week will be the Research with Impact! workshop on Monday, March 27th and the Student Research Days Slam on Friday, March 31st. Click here for more info! Continue reading…
2023 Lathisms Scholarship intends to support Hispanic/Latinx students interested in pursuing a career focused in the mathematical sciences; such career paths include, but are not limited to, scientific research, mathematics education, engineering, and finance. Appy by Friday, March 31st! Continue reading…
The HYPER REU at UCF addresses challenges in aerospace travel and energy production, advancing the fundamental knowledge needed to overcome technical barriers limiting hypersonic flight. The 10-week program will be held this summer from May 21 – July 29, 2023. Applications are due by April 3rd! Continue reading…
This week, I want to explain some differences for the Summer 2023 schedule compared to previous summer semesters. During Spring Break and immediately after, there will not be Drop-in Advising on Monday, March 13th, on Friday, March 17th, or on Monday, March 20th. Continue reading…
Friday, March 24 - Last day to change a course to or from the Pass/No Pass grading basis
Monday, March 27 - Tuesday, April 11 - Priority Registration for the Fall Semester 2023 Continue reading…
The Math Student Spotlight is your opportunity to learn a bit more about one of your fellow Math majors at UNL. This week, Nick White from Lincoln, Nebraska, is in the spotlight. Continue reading…
On Tuesday, March 7th in the Willa Cather Dinning Complex, the International Student and Scholar Office, in collaboration with UNL Housing and UNL Dining Services, invites you to the Indian Culture Cuisine Night. Please wear your Indian attire, or wear a touch of red, yellow, or gold. Continue reading…
The Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships is hosting a Pursuing Graduate and Professional School event TOMORROW, Wednesday, March 8th at 2 - 3 pm in the Nebraska City Campus Union Swanson Auditorium. Continue reading…
The Department of Mathematics at Towson University is now accepting applications for the Summer 2023 undergraduate research program. The program runs for eight weeks starting on June 5, 2023. Applications are due on Wednesday, March 1st and will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis. Continue reading…
Math Motivators is an organization run by The Actuarial Foundation that provides volunteer Math tutoring to K-12 students. Math Motivators is current looking for volunteers to help Lincoln area students for the Spring 2023 semester. Click here for more information and how to sign up! Continue reading…
Cedar Point Biological Station offers courses each summer in Western Nebraska at a retired Girl Scout camp near Lake McConaughy. Most of their courses are in Biology, but they also offer ACE 5 and ACE 7 courses as well. Click here for more information and how to apply! Continue reading…
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) is accepting applications for the SIAM-Simons Undergraduate Summer Research Program, which will provide research, networking, and mentorship opportunities to U.S. students from underrepresented groups. Apply by March 6th! Continue reading…
The Counseling and School Psychology Clinic located in Teacher's College Hall offers culturally sensitive and gender-affirming counseling to UNL students, faculty, and staff. They have immediate openings and can serve as a referral source. Click here for more information! Continue reading…
The Causeway Postbaccalaureate Certificate Program is a postbaccalaureate program in mathematical sciences at Northwestern University sponsored by Northwestern and the National Science Foundation. Causeway is tuition-free and provides students with a living stipend. Apply by March 15th! Continue reading…
SURE 2023 offers insight and learning into some of the hottest topics in data science and computational mathematics through hands-on research experience. A ten-week SURE program will be hosted at Illinois Tech from May 22 to July 28. Apply by March 15th! Continue reading…
The Math Research at UNC Charlotte (MRC-REU) site will host undergraduate students working with faculty mentors for 10 weeks on research projects in topics including inverse problems, differential equations, number theory, material science, probability theory, and statistics. Apply by March 15th! Continue reading…
The Juan N. Franco Legacy Scholarship was created in the Fall of 2016. Students who led the creation of the scholarship believed in the importance of quality higher education. The scholarship application is now open and will be closed on March 20th. Continue reading…
To encourage CAS student organizations to create a vibrant campus community with students and faculty, we are offering RSOs $75 to host an event. What you choose to do is up to you (e.g., ice cream social, pizza party, cornhole tournament); we encourage you to include faculty in your plans. Continue reading…
Registration is open for the inaugural Nebraska Women in STEM Conference. The conference, themed “Nebraska Women: Strive Thrive Empower Mentor,” will be held Thursday, March 23, 2023, at Graduate Hotel in Lincoln and will feature engineer and STEM communicator Emily Calandrelli. Continue reading…
International Students are invited to join a special course that will run during the Fall 2023 semester: COMM 311: Intercultural and Intergroup Communication. This course that will meet MWF from 12:30-1:20, and the course will meet your ACE 2 or ACE 9 requirement. Click here for more information! Continue reading…
You are invited to the 17th annual Symposium in Undergraduate Mathematics, a forum for presentation and celebration of undergraduate student projects in mathematics. This year's event will take place on Thursday, April 13th, from approximately 9 am until 3 pm in the Doane Perry Campus Center. Continue reading…
The 19th annual Midwest Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium (MUMS) will be held on Saturday, April 15, 2023, at Simpson College. The conference will feature contributed talks and poster presentations by undergraduates. Registration is due by March 31st! Continue reading…
Registration is open to the 48th Annual New York State Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference (NYSRGMC). Each year since its inception in 1974, this conference has been run and organized exclusively by mathematics graduate students of Syracuse University. Click here for more information! Continue reading…
The Center for Academic Success and Transition (CAST) will be offering their Success Workshop series again for the Spring 2023 semester. All workshops will be on Wednesdays at 5 pm in 221 Love Library South (except for international student workshops). Click here for more information! Continue reading…
The McNair Scholars Program serves selected undergraduates—minority and first generation students with financial need—who historically have been underrepresented in graduate education, with the aim of increasing the number of these students in U.S. doctoral programs. Apply by Saturday, April 15th! Continue reading…
The Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance (IBA) is hosting the 2023 Cross-Institutional Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) workshop at Illinois State University (ISU). Applications are due by April 15th! Click here for more information! Continue reading…
The Math Department Scholarship Application for Current Students is open NOW! The deadline to complete an application for the 2023-24 academic year will be Monday, April 24th at 5 pm! Continue reading…
More details at: https://math.unl.edu/scholarships-and-aid
The 18th Annual Graduate Student Mathematical Modeling Camp (GSMMC) will take place June 7-10, 2023 at the University of Delaware in Newark, Delaware. All graduate students and advanced undergraduate students are encouraged to apply. Continue reading…
Trina, Allison, Sai, and Meagan can help you explore career options, identify ways to build experience, and prepare to apply for internships, jobs, or graduate school, including help with resumes, applications, and interviewing. Click here for a calendar of career events as well! Continue reading…
Click here for job and internship openings that would be available for Mathematics majors. Continue reading…
Your faculty partner, Prof. Xavier Pérez Giménez (xperez@unl.edu), and your assigned advisor, Doug Pellatz (dpellatz@unl.edu), are here to help if you have questions, concerns, or just want to talk about your next steps as as student. Click here for scheduling details! Continue reading…