Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) 2023
SURE 2023 offers insight and learning into some of the hottest topics in data science and computational mathematics through hands-on research experience. Learn to work as a team member by interacting with graduate students and faculty and gain an understanding of what it takes to conduct real-world research.
A ten-week SURE 2023 program will be hosted at Illinois Tech from May 22 to July 28. The program candidates will receive a stipend of $550 per week. The applicants are required to have a foundational background in mathematics (calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra) and some programming skills. If you have any questions regarding the program, please feel free to email
All applications received by March 15th will receive full consideration. Applications will be received until the positions are filled.
Project Title: Speedier Simulations
Advisers: Sou-Cheng Choi and Fred Hickernell
Project Title: From the Formation of Snowflakes to Crystal Growth
Adviser: Shuwang Li
Project Title: Learning and Modeling Collective Behaviors
Advisers: Yubin Lu and Ming Zhong
Guest Speakers: James Greene (Clarkson University), Siming He (University of South Carolina)