Mathematics - Opportunities in Research and Education 2023
October 21-22, 2023
Hosted by Virginia Tech and Clemson University
MORE: Mathematics - Opportunities in Research and Education 2023 workshop will be held October 21-22, 2023 with a main location at Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina.
The purpose of this conference is to bring together undergraduate students interested in mathematics to learn about opportunities in research and education. The participants will attend plenary lectures featuring cutting-edge mathematical research by leading mathematicians; interact with faculty, graduate students and postdocs; and attend panels on research, applying for summer opportunities and graduate school, and pathways to mathematical careers.
The first MORE conference was held in 2019. Information on previous MORE conferences is found here.
Plenary Speakers
• Nicole Jackson, Sandia National Labs
• Sarah Heuss, USC-Upstate and USC-Union
For a simple timetable see the schedule page.
For any conference-related questions not answered on this page, please contact the organizers at MORE.math.opportunities@gmail.com.
Apply as soon as possible at https://intranet.math.vt.edu/MORE/MORE2023/registration.html.