49th Annual American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges Conference
The 49th American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) Annual Conference in Omaha, Nebraska will be November 9-12, 2023. Since the focus of AMATYC is on mathematics education in the first two years of college, the conference would provide a great professional development opportunity for any mathematics faculty or undergraduate student considering a career in teaching math at the post-secondary level.
Here's a link to the conference registration: https://amatyc.org/event/AMATYCOmaha2023Registration.
Discount registration via website or fax available through October 7, 2023. If you have never attended an AMATYC conference and are an AMATYC member, you are eligible to apply a $50 credit toward the discount full conference registration fee. Enter the promo code, FTA-2023, at check-out and click "apply" to update your cart. This code expires on 10/07; it's valid only through the discount period.
Questions? Contact Dale Johanson, Math Professor at Northeast Community College and AMATYC Central Region Vice President, at dalejohanson@amatyc.org.