Introduction to Quantum Computing from The Coding School

Introduction to Quantum Computing from The Coding School
Introduction to Quantum Computing from The Coding School

Introduction to Quantum Computing from The Coding School

• The Coding School's two-semester Intro to Quantum Computing course is taught virtually with live instruction from quantum researchers at Stanford University.
• Course start date: October 8th
• The only prerequisite for this course is high-school level geometry. It is open to students in high school and above (including university students, educators, and members of the workforce)
• TCS has thousands of full and partial scholarships available for students thanks to its partnerships with companies like Google, IBM Quantum, and Microsoft.
• Over 3-5 hours/week for one or two semesters, students will learn to program in Python, gain real-world tech skills in quantum computer programming, discuss quantum ethics, hear from speakers in academia and industry, and end the year by completing a capstone project.
• Apply through the application link. We’re accepting students on a rolling basis until October 5th. Spots are limited, so the sooner you apply, the better!