Math Club - Thursday, October 5th at 5 pm in 351 Avery Hall!
On Thursday, October 5th at 5 pm in 351 Avery Hall, Math Club will host Kolton O'Neal giving a talk about his Research Experience for Undergraduates this past summer. Kolton will describe his experience and the research he completed.
Classifying Groups by Orbit Structure: The Results of Undergraduate Research
A talk by Kolton O'Neal
Abstract: Every summer, there are Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). We look at the experience of an REU as well as the research topic at the 2023 Texas State REU. The topic was classifying certain mathematical objects called groups according to a notion of their complexity called the rank.
Everyone is welcome, no membership required. Pizza will be served!