Arts for All at the Lied Center + Half-Price Aladdin Tickets!
Arts for All at the Lied Center is a student fee funded initiative supporting free access and reduced priced tickets to the arts on campus. The Lied Center has half-price student tickets for the Broadway show Aladdin (Oct. 3-8)! These half-price tickets are for the Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday night performances.
How It Works:
Students can find all qualifying Lied Center shows at https://www.liedcenter.org/artsforall. First, you select your seats and then click "Arts for All." On the next screen, you will be able to put in your NUID number. Then, you can get 2 free/half-price tickets for each qualifying show.
Please contact Ashley Parra Valencia (aparravalencia2@huskers.unl.edu) or Macy Byars (mbyars2@huskers.unl.edu) if you have any questions about this.