November NIC-Cast highlights K–12 partners in program transformation

The NIC-Cast  “Strategies for Meaningful Participation of K–12 Partners in Program Transformation” was held on Nov. 16.
The NIC-Cast “Strategies for Meaningful Participation of K–12 Partners in Program Transformation” was held on Nov. 16.

Members of three MTEP teams presented the panel “Strategies for Meaningful Participation of K–12 Partners in Program Transformation” on Nov. 16. The talk was part of the monthly MTEP NIC-Cast webinar series.

MTEP members Peter Anderson and Ashley Thorne (Columbus Cooperative Collaboration team); Alexandra Hallacy, Brian R. Lawler, Kathleen Sullivan, and Mariah Walton (Kennesaw State University team); and Jeffrey Hovermill and Jo'el Johanson (Northern Arizona team) spurred conversation by sharing their successes, challenges, and strategies for building effective university-school partnerships. This panel of mathematics teacher educators and K–12 partners described the actions supported by their individual network improvement communities (NICs) with regards to secondary math teacher preparation, factors that contribute to building effective partnerships, and critical elements to maintaining collaborations.

MTEP 2.0 NIC-Casts are monthly interactive webinars to share ideas, lessons learned, and build community. The goals for the NIC-Cast series are building familiarity with aspects of the NIC change and research process; supporting program NIC teams as they work to improve secondary mathematics teacher preparation; and building community and shared vision within local program NICs and across the MTEP 2.0 community.