You and your outstanding students are invited to attend "Sci Derby: Ultrasmall vs. Ultrafast," the Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physical Sciences (WoPhyS '15). We invite all undergraduate students with research interests in all areas of physical sciences, with a focus on physics, materials science, nanoscience, optics, photonics, astronomy, physical chemistry, and applied physics and engineering.
WoPhyS '15 will be held Thursday, October 15 - Saturday, October 17, 2015 on the campus of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Participants will have the opportunity to:
• Present research accomplishments to peers and the academic community
• Attend scientific plenary talks given by invited scientists
• Participate in graduate school preparation workshops
• Interact with natural science students and faculty from other universities
• Tour facilities and labs, including the Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience
The WoPhyS '15 steering committee is asking for your help. We're seeking nominations of outstanding undergraduate researchers to present their research projects and results during invited talks. (Other participants will have the opportunity to present research during poster sessions.) Please submit nominations to the steering committee by e-mailing Jocelyn Bosley at jbosley@unl.edu. Instructions for nomination can be found online. We hope you'll encourage your undergraduates to consider attending this event, and especially encourage the women in your department to attend.
Registration for WoPhyS'15 is available online as well as details about the location and accommodations. There is no registration fee and all local costs are covered. Travel scholarships are available for undergraduates who present a talk or poster.
Visit the following site for more information: http://wophy.unl.edu/