Career dress has become more casual, but you still must make that first impression to get there.
To help you build your career wardrobes, Career Services is teaming up with JC Penney and the UNL LGBTQA+ Center on two events leading up to the Spring Career Fair.
Husker Suit-Up
From January 30-February 6, 2022, students students receive an Extra 30% discount on career and dress apparel at JC Penney, either in-store or online.
To receive your Extra 30% coupon code for the select apparel, text HUSKERSUITUP to 67292.
When shopping online, enter the coupon code at checkout to get the discount.
The Lavender Closet Pop-Up
A collaboration of Career Services and the UNL LGBTQA+ Center, this event offers students the opportunity to pick up career attire for free.
The Pop-Up, an extension of the LGBTQA+ Center’s Lavender Closet resource, is 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Feb. 1, 2, & 3 in University Career Services, 225 Nebraska Union.
There will be space to try on clothing and Career Coaches available for consultation on career attire and other career fair and career development concerns.
While a tie may not be required, it is still important to make a positive first impression whether at the Career Fair or in an interview. Attire can also help you feel confident and ready for early career opportunities, whether an internship or a first job out of college. Get ready to pitch and promote yourself through Husker Suit-Up and the Lavender Closet Pop-up.
More details at: https://careers.unl.edu/husker-suit-up-spring-2022/