It’s that time of year again, the call for 2012-13 Nebraska ADDY® Awards is out, and the deadline is right around the corner! Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to win a prestigious award for your resume and to attend the magnificent ceremony at the Rococo Theater.
Again this year, the CoJMC is going to pay the fees for up to 50 pieces of great work to be entered into the Student ADDYs® competition. Last year, our students took home 5 gold and 14 silver ADDYs®. Now, it’s your turn.
For print categories: Make sure submissions are printed and include a sheet of paper with your name, email, and entry category. Drop off at the office of Luis Peon-Casanova (Andersen 338).
For broadcast, audiovisual, or computer presentation categories: Please submit files to the ADDY’s 2012/2013 Submissions folder on BigFileCab with file name LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME. Then email Luis and Allison (contact info provided below) with your file name and category.
If selected, you will be notified and asked to come in and complete the registration for your entry during a pizza and pop celebration. We will let you know of any additional materials that may be required besides your original entry.
Please remember that if your work is not selected, you may still enter it for an award, but you will be responsible for the entry fee.
For more information on the competition and student categories, please visit http://www.nebraskaaddys.org. You can also email questions about submitting through the CoJMC to Luis Peon-Casanova (lpeon-casanova1@unl.ed) or Allison Busch (abusch@huskers.unl.edu).
About the Nebraska ADDY® Awards
The ADDY® Awards is the advertising industry’s largest and most representative competition, attracting over 50,000 entries every year in the local ADDY® competition. The mission of the ADDY® competition is to recognize and reward creative excellence in the art of advertising. The Nebraska ADDY® Awards is the first of a three-tier, national competition. Concurrently, all across the country, local entrants vie for recognition as the very best in their markets. At the second tier, local winners compete against other winners in one of 15 district competitions. District winners are then forward to the third tier, the national ADDY® Awards competition.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/oej