The UNL Spring Blood Drive is April 10-13. The drive is on the Nebraska Union Plaza on City Campus in the mobile buses.
April 10: 12:30p.m.-6p.m.
April 11-13: 10a.m.-6p.m.
The drive is organized by Campus Red Cross, the Nebraska Community Blood Bank and the American Red Cross.
Individuals can register to donate blood at http://redcrossblood.org (use sponsor code BLEEDHUSKERRED) or at http://ncbb.org (sponsor code UNL). Food and T-shirts will be provided to donors.
Individuals must bring a picture ID and are asked to eat before donating. No cold or flu symptoms for 48 hours prior to donation.
More details at: http://redcrossblood.org
More details at: http://redcrossblood.org