Join us on Friday, March 2 at 7:00 in the Nebraska Union as Alex shares his inspirational story about the value of loss. Whether a climbing or couch enthusiast, you won't want to miss Alex's message of perseverance and persistence in the midst of major change.
Alex McKiernan climbs tractors and solos stairways deep in the heart of flyover country. He and his wife are vegetable farmers and raise three irreverent daughters on the side. A permanent, debilitating spinal cord injury in 2014 prompted his return to rock climbing. In daydreams and when unable to sleep, he presses his palms firmly against a dark, cool and imaginary big wall, then drifts into the deep security of this vertical world.
FREE and open to the public
Held at the Nebraska Union, Colonial Room
This event is a part of the Flatland Climbing Festival hosted by UNL Campus Recreation and Outdoor Adventures. For more information about this annual rock climbing event, visit the following link.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/flatland