Service-Study Alternative Service Breaks place team of college students in communities to engage in community service and experiential learning during their summer, fall, winter or spring breaks.
Students participate in alternative service break experiences for community organizations and learn about issues such as disaster relief and mitigation, immigration, civil rights, literacy, poverty, racism, hunger, homelessness and the environment.
Being completely immersed into diverse environments enables participants to experience, discuss, and understand social issues in a significant way. The intensity of the experience increases the likelihood that participants will transfer the lessons learned on-site back to their own communities even after the Service-Study Alternative Service Break ends.
The Empowerment Spring Break 2018 trip to Denver, Colorado, gives students a variety of service experiences focusing on sustainability, women's rights, refugee resettlement and food security. While in the foothills of the Rockies, students also will have time to explore the natural wonders.
The trip is March 17 to 22 and costs $250. For more information, visit the Service-Study ASB page.
More details at: https://engage.unl.edu/service-study-asb