The UNL Clay Club will host their annual Holiday Ceramic Sale and Raffle from 9 a.m to 6 p.m. Dec. 9 and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dec. 10 in Richards Hall, room 118. The new UNL Fine Art Photo Club will also present their first-ever print sale at the same time in room 121.
The ceramics sale will showcase functional pottery, vessels and sculpture. The print sale will feature limited edition photographs available for $25 and $45 each. Both sales represent a broad range of aesthetics, techniques and concepts.
The UNL Clay Club uses a portion of the proceeds from the sale to fund visiting artist programs, which invite nationally recognized artists and critics to deliver lectures and workshops that are free and open to the public. Proceeds from the sales are also used to facilitate student attendance at annual professional conferences, and for student field trips.
The UNL Fine Art Photo Club will use proceeds to help fund national and regional conference attendance and other club activities.
Both sales will include a raffle for items donated by the artists. Raffle tickets will be available for $1 each or six for $5. The drawing is at 5 p.m., Dec. 10. Need not be present to win.
Cash or checks accepted at the ceramics sale. Cash only requested at the print sale.
For more information, call 402-472-5522.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/xmu