Due to increased need, Husker Pantry has opened a second campus location, inside the East Campus Visitors Center in room 108B. This new location will allow students in need the ability to access food, hygiene items and school supplies on both campuses.
With a need greater than ever before due to the pandemic, more than 200 students depend upon the Husker Pantry each week. There are three primary ways to support Husker students in need:
1. Purchase items off of the pantry's Amazon wish list. The wish list is kept up-to-date with the most needed items, and everything ships directly to the pantry!
2. Donate monetarily to help purchase in-demand items. You can donate online to the University of Nebraska Foundation. Credit and debit cards are accepted.
3. Drop off nonperishable food items, hygiene items and school supplies to one of the more than 20 donation bins on City, East and Innovation campuses. Find a donation location.
Thank you so much for your support of the new Husker Pantry East Campus location!
More details at: http://pantry.unl.edu