All upper-class students are eligible for any meal plan available through Dining Services. We’d recommend either the Gold 250/1000, Silver, or Bronze 100/500 meal plan.
All meal plans, including those listed above, consist of two parts, meal swipes, and Dining Dollars. Meal swipes can be used at any dining center, or in the form of an $8 meal exchange at any Herbie’s Market, Selleck Food Court, or Husker Heroes location. Dining Dollars can also be used at any dining center, Herbie’s Market, Selleck Food Court, or Husker Heroes location with the added benefit of being accepted at all Nebraska Union food vendors which include Chick-fil-A, Valentino’s, Imperial Palace, Starbucks, and more.
For more information on meal plans, including how to use a meal plan with our mobile ordering app, visit https://dining.unl.edu/meal-plans.