As your student prepares for the upcoming semester, help them protect their health and well-being by following these tips from the University Health Center.
- Remind your student to complete the health requirement: The university requires all incoming students to submit proof of two MMR vaccines. Students can upload a copy of their immunization record to their MyRED account.
- Give parental consent: The age of majority in Nebraska is 19. If your student is 18, complete a Power of Attorney form for them and mail or fax it to the health center.
- Prepare a first aid kit: Send it with your student to keep in their dorm room or apartment. It should include bandages, antibiotic ointment, common over-the-counter medicines and more. First aid kit basics are available for purchase at the health center pharmacy.
- Make a plan about health insurance: If your student will be using your health insurance plan this year, give them their own health insurance card or send them with a copy or picture of the front and back sides of your card.
- Transfer current prescriptions: When your student moves to campus, have your student call or visit the health center pharmacy to transfer a prescription. Our pharmacy team will take care of the rest.
- Remind your student how to use the health center: We are a valuable resource for students, and it’s important they understand how to access care. Encourage them to learn about current hours, how to make an appointment, the many different services we offer, which services are covered by student fees and more.
If you have questions, please visit our website or call us at 402.472.5000.
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