Ask your student who they'd like to recognize as outstanding faculty and staff. You'll be receiving a nomination form in the mail to complete your nominations. Then, plan to attend the recognition ceremony with your student on Friday, Feb. 3. Reception will begin at 2:30 pm with the program at 3 pm. Continue reading…
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The holidays offer us the opportunity to reconnect with family and friends, and offers your student time to consider their career goals without the pressure of daily assignments and exams. You can bring these opportunities together by introducing your student to people you know. Continue reading…
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A walk-in flu shot clinic at the University Health Center is open Monday through Friday from 9 to 11 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. Flu shots also are available by appointment through the Medical Clinic. Have your student call 402.472.5000 to make the appointment.
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The dining halls close on Friday, Dec. 16 after lunch and traditional residence halls close on Saturday, Dec. 17 at 10 a.m. University offices will be closed Dec. 24 through Jan. 2, 2017. Continue reading…
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You and your family are making a significant investment in your student’s education. Where your student lives can play a major role in his/her progress towards graduation. As you consider housing options for next year, get tips to help your student make an informed decision. Continue reading…
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College is likely the first time that your student has really had to be in charge of their finances all on their own. Luckily, the Student Money Management Center is available to help your students with any money questions or money problems that they have. However, you also can play a critical role. Continue reading…
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Traditionally, Thanksgiving is a time when families gather together. To give students the opportunity to enjoy the holiday with their friends on campus, University Dining Services annually serves the traditional feast before the Thanksgiving break.
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On Friday, Nov. 18, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Juan N. Franco and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Character Council awarded 30 students with the Franco’s List distinction. At the same event, the Center for Civic Engagement announced the winners for the Give Back. Big. awards.
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Global Studies and English are leading an interdisciplinary study abroad course to Netherlands and Belgium, visiting Amsterdam, the Hague, Antwerp, Brugge, Ghent, Brussels and Maastricht. Sites include Anne Frank Haus, International Court of Justice and others. Students should apply by 1/8/17. Continue reading…
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Forty-five students opted for adventure and learning during the annual Fall Break in mid-October by traveling with Campus Recreation’s outdoor adventures (OA) trips. Read about their adventures and see what trips are planned for Spring Break 2017. Continue reading…
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This fall, the Clifton Strengths Institute in the College of Business added 80 student strengths coaches to assist teaching core concepts of strengths-based science. The institute, funded by Gallup in 2015, provides one-on-one coaching to build performance plans for freshmen students.
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The University Health Center (UHC) continually looks for opportunities to adjust its operations and services to better serve UNL’s student population. Read about a few ways the UHC has enhanced its care this semester based on student/parent feedback and internal innovation. Continue reading…
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