UNL Global Studies is heading to Russia in summer 2019. This 3-week/3-credit class focused on Russian culture, history, literature, society, and art will take place in St. Petersburg and Moscow, but will also visit Rostov & Yaroslav. To find out more email Emira Ibrahimpasic at emira@unl.edu.
Course Description: This course will introduce students to the Russian culture, history, literature, society, and art. This class will be a combination of lecture and seminar. Prior to departure, students will complete a pre-departure exam on the basic information about the country, it’s people and culture. Students are expected to read assigned literary works and secondary readings and be ready to discuss them during class sessions and in an online discussion forum. They will write reflection papers in response to the assigned readings and a longer paper on the topic agreed upon with the professor. Students will also complete a video project, documenting their experience in Russia. Seminars will be supplemented by guest lectures and organized excursions to various places of historical and cultural significance, including museums, art galleries, churches and monasteries, theatres, etc. The program will take place in two of Russia’s major cities: Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Sites: Moscow and St. Petersburg, the most important cultural and political centers of Russia, have played a crucial role in the formation of Russian national identity. The two cities become the origin for two distinct ideologies in Russia (westernization and conservatism) that had a significant impact on the way Russians historically perceived and continue to perceive themselves vis-à-vis the West and East. The two capitals have very distinct physiognomies and each had a unique impact on the development of Russian literature, culture, and intellectual thought. Introduction to Russian culture should start with understanding the history and mythology of these respective cities.