Lab supplies contract

Starting this January, there is a new lap supplies contract rolling out University System wide. There are four suppliers that are involved: Dot Scientific, Inc., Fisher Scientific, Inc., Neta Scientific, and VWR International. We are excited to introduce the two new suppliers, Dot Scientific and Neta Scientific. Both companies are minority-woman owned businesses. Fisher Scientific and VWR International have been a part of the University for many years.

Within this new contact, lab suppliers can be ordered from our new co-prime contract holders for discounted pricing, free shipping (on most items), and overnight delivery. Checkout January’s PED Talk for more information on this new contract:

Each of these suppliers has been awarded equal status through a bidding process. This means that if you order lab supplies or equipment through them, no additional quotes are needed.

Enjoy the ease of the punchout or use the improved search ability in eSHOP, which is available now!