While other University of Nebraska–Lincoln instructors dug into digital options to deliver courses via remote access, Judy Turk broke out a shovel and went to work — in front of a camera.
Working with University Communication, the assistant professor of natural resources went out in the field just outside of Lincoln last week to record a series of videos for her soil evaluation course. She worked with Lincoln’s Yankee Hill Brick to showcase a clay-based soil profile and ventured to Nine Mile Prairie for other lesson focuses.
“Making these videos was kind of the best substitute I could think of for actually getting (students) out here to work in the field,” Turk said. “Going into this semester we had no idea that this was going to be thrown at us, and we’re kind of trying to do our best to give the students the best educational opportunities that we can.”
Click the video link here to learn more about how Turk transitioned a hands-on soil lessons to video instruction.
Turk's video was just one of the many ways instructors are using to transition campus coursework to remote access due to the threat of COVID-19. Read more about how faculty and instructors have been preparing to restart classes on March 30 here.
Curt Bright and Mary Jane Bruce | University Communication