Adonna Fleming, associate professor and GIS/geosciences librarian, will give an informative talk about GIS and maps at the Love Library Escape Room on April 10 at 10:30 a.m.
Learn about GIS, how it can be used in a variety of projects, the types of maps that go into making a GIS project, and where to find data for Nebraska, with a brief demonstration of the ESRI ArcMap software.
This seminar will be useful for anyone who wants to implement their CSE skills to pursue a career as a GIS Analyst, Technician, or as a Data, Mapping, or Application Specialist. Skills obtained through the study of computer science can be used to enhance and develop GIS projects and software. According to Fleming, "Companies and government agencies that utilize GIS often hire people with a computer science background."
If you are interested in attending, please register at http://unl.libcal.com/event.php?id=15890.