The Student Impact Awards were announced for 2022-23 by Student Leadership, Involvement and Community Engagement at an evening reception in the Nebraska Union on May 4.
Student Impact Awards celebrate the outstanding contributions to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln community by the more than 550 Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) and their leaders.
This year's nominees included 54 organizations, 36 individuals and 17 programs.
The ceremony included a new category of honorees, with 28 students receiving Husker Volunteer Designation certificates for completing over 100 volunteer hours with nonprofit organizations.
Outstanding Student Organization Officer
WINNER: Cordell Vrbka, First Generation Student Organization
Yousra Abdulrazig, Delta Xi Nu
Edajah Aden, Afrikan People's Union
Sara Al-Rishawi, Middle Eastern and North African Student Association
Audrey Anderson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Quiz Bowl Club
Cleopatra Babor, Plant Biology Club
Elena Butler, National Society of Black Engineers
Deepa Choudhry, India Student Association
Samuel DeZube, Husker Venture Fund
Faith Herbers, Criminal Justice Student Association
Tyler Janda, Criminal Justice Student Association
Houman Kosari Rad, Iranian Student Organization at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Xinyu Liu, National Residence Hall Honorary
Alec Miller, Association of Students of the University of Nebraska
Joel Murch-Shafer, Aerospace Club
Oghenetega Obewhere, National Society of Black Engineers
Ali Akbar Rezaei Lori, Iranian Student Organization at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Payton Schaefer, Spectrum UNL
Megan Snow, UNL Herpetology Club
Kailee Ward, Pre-Genetic Counseling Club of UNL
See the complete list of nominees and winners at:
More details at: https://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/today/article/16-honored-with-student-impact-awards/