The Email List Management system, Mailman, will be used to distribute the School of Natural Resources electronic newsletter 'Inside SNR' starting June 1, 2023. Check your spam/junk mail filters if you do not see a version of the this newsletter from an domain @lists.unl.edu
The listserv management system that distributed the newsletter from a domain @listserv.unl.edu will be discontinued in June.
If you know of someone who would like to subscribe to this new letter, they can self subscribe by sending a blank email to snr-subscribers-subscribe@lists.unl.edu
To unsubscribe to this list please send a blank email to snr-subscribers-unsubscribe@lists.unl.edu
Faculty, staff and students of SNR will automatically have their @unl.edu or @huskers.unl.edu added to Mailman upon starting at UNL and removed once they leave the university. Use the above instructions to add your personal email to the subscription list.
More details at: https://services.unl.edu/service/mailman