As part of the Academic Technologies Learning Series (synchronous, Zoom-based, 1-hour training sessions) we will be offering two YuJa training sessions this semester. These sessions will cover the basics of logging in and using YuJa, how to edit a video, as well as advanced features like video quizzes and analytics. The dates, times, and registration links for these training sessions are below:
• Monday, February 5th from 3pm-4pm
o Register at https://nebraska.bridgeapp.com/learner/training/edcf3800/enroll
• Tuesday, April 23rd from 11am-12pm
o Register at https://nebraska.bridgeapp.com/learner/training/616d65a2/enroll
In addition to our YuJa trainings, Academic Technologies also offers many training sessions for its other services. For an overview of these sessions and to easily register for any of these opportunities in one place, please visit our Bridge training calendar at this link: Academic Technologies Training Calendar. Here is a list of those opportunities:
• Tuesday, January 30th from 11am-12pm – New Quizzes Introduction: In this session, learners will get a crash course on New Quizzes, Canvas's next generation quizzing platform. Presenters will explore how New Quizzes is different than Classic Quizzes, detail the question types that are available, provide an overview of how settings and accommodations work, and discuss how this platform will work in the Digital Learning Center.
o Register at https://nebraska.bridgeapp.com/learner/training/4f7fd834/enroll
• Wednesday, February 14th from 10am-11am – Classroom Support: In this session, the presenter will discuss the main types of classroom tech, provide tips and tricks, and other helpful support information that faculty need to know.
o Register at https://nebraska.bridgeapp.com/learner/training/0d1e6a26/enroll
• Thursday, February 22nd from 2pm-3pm – OER: Many people have heard of OER (open educational resources), but what is OER and how can it provide greater equity in your classes? This session will provide information about how to leverage OER and show attendees how it can be adopted in their courses.
o Register at https://nebraska.bridgeapp.com/learner/training/9822b422/enroll
• Thursday, February 29th from 9am-10am – Canvas Best Practices: In this collaborative session, members of the Center for Transformative Teaching and Academic Technologies will team up to teach users about best practices for Canvas use from a technical and design perspective.
o Register at https://nebraska.bridgeapp.com/learner/training/0c88c031/enroll
• Tuesday, March 5th from 10am-11am – New Quizzes Question Types: In this session, the presenter will provide a deep dive into the New Quizzes question types that are available, showing how these question types work and what they allow faculty to gain from an assessment perspective.
o Register at https://nebraska.bridgeapp.com/learner/training/21462516/enroll
• Thursday, March 21st from 2pm-3pm – Zoom: At this session, the presenter will cover best practices of Zoom use (including a discussion of appropriate security settings), explore how to schedule and create Zoom Webinars, and discuss how to request and use apps from the Zoom Marketplace.
o Register at https://nebraska.bridgeapp.com/learner/training/a741c23d/enroll
• Tuesday, March 26th from 10am-11am – Course Evaluation Data: In this session, the presenter will provide data snapshots into course evaluation usage on campus.
o Register at https://nebraska.bridgeapp.com/learner/training/744e2d7e/enroll
• Thursday, April 4th from 1pm-2pm – Adobe Acrobat: This session will explore features available to users in Adobe Acrobat, a tool which is available at no charge to UNL students, staff, and faculty. This demonstration will include a discussion of how Adobe Acrobat can be used in support of accessibility best practices in Canvas courses.
o Register at https://nebraska.bridgeapp.com/learner/training/ab4872d0/enroll
• Wednesday, April 10th from 10am-11am – New Quizzes Settings and Accommodations: In this session, presenters will provide a deep dive into the quiz settings that are available in New Quizzes. This will include a discussion of how accommodations and Digital Learning Center reservations work with New Quizzes.
o Register at https://nebraska.bridgeapp.com/learner/training/44a9727d/enroll
• Thursday, April 19th from 9am-10am – iClicker Cloud: This presentation by our partners over at iClicker will provide an overview of iClicker Cloud. The presenter will review how iClicker works, how to create a free instructor, provide a live polling demonstration, review the iClicker instructor site, and discuss the iClicker grade sync to Canvas.
o Register at https://nebraska.bridgeapp.com/learner/training/83155afe/enroll
• Thursday, May 2nd from 1pm-2pm – Canvas Analytics: In this session, attendees will receive practical instructions for two different ways to assess analytics in their Canvas courses. Presenters will provide a demonstration of Canvas's New Analytics tool as well as UNL's homegrown Course Insights tool. Participants will be able to apply what they learn to their current courses.
o Register at https://nebraska.bridgeapp.com/learner/training/b60e2af2/enroll
• Thursday, May 9th from 2pm-3pm – Adobe Express: In this session, Kevin from Adobe will provide a demonstration of Adobe Express, Adobe's quick and easy content creation tool. Attendees will learn how to access Express and see the creative power that it can unleash for their projects.
o Register at https://nebraska.bridgeapp.com/learner/training/1b4abe8e/enroll
All sessions will be recorded and made available online in the UNL Academic Technologies Shared Folder on YuJa at this link: https://unl.yuja.com/V/PlayList?node=41069881&a=13217346&autoplay=1.
For just-in-time support and general questions about UNL technology, Academic Technologies will be offering office hours every Tuesday this semester. This opportunity is called Technology Tuesdays, and from January 23rd through May 14th from 2pm-4pm, faculty and staff are welcome to join Academic Technologies staff on Zoom to ask any technology questions they might have. From Canvas questions to classroom technology questions to OneDrive questions, we are here to help with any technology needs you might have. No advance sign up is needed and faculty are welcome to keep this link and join on any Tuesday afternoon that they might need assistance: https://go.unl.edu/techtuesdays
Finally, we would like all faculty to be aware that Academic Technologies sends regular weekly updates to IT-TIPS subscribers about updates, trainings, and news surrounding the various technologies in our service catalog. For example, Instructure releases new features for Canvas regularly, and we will send out information about these new features out to the IT-TIPS list as they become available. If you would like to subscribe, you can go to https://go.unl.edu/ittips to enter your name and email address and join the list.
UNL Academic Technologies