by Student Affairs
A new Student Referral Guide is available to help faculty and staff make quick, accurate referrals to campus resources to support students.
The guide was developed in response to questions from faculty and staff asking which campus resources were best to support students’ academic, social and emotional wellbeing. Professional staff within these units are available to consult on how best to support students in need. The guide is available as a printed card, magnet, and online resource.
The Student Referral Guide outlines issues students commonly face and features three campus teams equipped to receive referrals about such issues and follow-up with coordinated student care and support: Student Advocacy and Support, the Academic Navigators, and Counseling and Psychological Services. The printed guide directs those making a referral to a webpage that features links and information for each of these teams. Additional units that provide student support, such as the Center for Academic Success and Transition and the Office for Services for Students with Disabilities, are also listed.
“We heard from faculty and staff that they want to help refer students to resources but weren’t sure how units differ in the support they provide. Through collaboration across these units, we’ve created a referral resource that everyone can use. We hope that this guide will promote more integrated and comprehensive outreach to students to help them succeed and thrive,” said Dee Dee Anderson, vice chancellor for student affairs.
The development of the student referral guide is an example of the university’s Quality Initiative for the Higher Learning Commission Reaffirmation of Accreditation. “Our Quality Initiative is to build a validating campus culture that supports students’ belonging, mattering, and academic success” said Amy Goodburn, senior associate vice chancellor and dean of undergraduate education, “Creating an easier way for faculty and staff to make referrals for students aligns with the N2025 vision of every person and every interaction matters.”
Student Referral Guide cards and magnets are available for free pick up in each of the colleges, university libraries and student support units beginning Jan. 25. For more information, contact Amy Goodburn at agoodburn1@unl.edu