"Plant Immune Signaling: The Roles of Calmodulin-binding Proteins," will be presented by Jane Glazebrook from the University of Minnesota at 4 p.m., Oct. 9 at the Beadle Center (1901 Vine Street). The seminar is free and open to the public.
Plant immunity depends on rapid recognition of pathogen attack and deployment of defense responses. This requires a complex signaling network that is robust against pathogen attack. Part of this network involves a Ca2+ flux following pathogen recognition. One likely consequence of this is calmodulin-mediated activation of calmodulin binding protein CBP60g, which activates salicylate signaling. The CBP60g signaling network node includes two other proteins, SARD1, a calmodulin-independent activator, and CBP60a, a calmodulin-dependent repressor. This complexity may make the network more resilient in the face of pathogen attack.
The complete schedule of seminars may be found at http://biotech.unl.edu
More details at: http://events.unl.edu/2013/10/09/80897/