Steve Comfort, professor and soil environmental chemist, will present, "My Water is Contaminated, Now What? How UNL's Environmental Restoration Science Program Can Help" at 3:30 p.m., Nov. 6 in the Hardin Hall auditorium. The seminar is free and open to the public.
Two of the biggest threats to groundwater quality in the U.S. are contamination from either chlorinated solvents or petroleum. Many sites currently contaminated are remnants of spills that occurred 20 to 30 years ago. Left unattended, the size and scope of the problems associated with these spills have only increased with time. When a community learns that their water has become contaminated, people want to know: What are our options? What questions should be asked?
To answer these questions, Steve will review the basics of "Remediation 101" and then present examples of some remedial technologies that have been developed to treat contaminated water. Steve will also discuss SNR's undergraduate major in environmental restoration science and explain how this program could potentially assist in mitigating future environmental contamination problems.
Steve Comfort received his B.S. in Soil Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and his M.S. in soil science from the University of Minnesota. He earned his Ph.D. in soil science and water chemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/qkiz