Workshops to explore student success data
University of Nebraska-Lincoln faculty interested in exploring data on undergraduate students' academic performance and educational experiences and how to use this information to enhance their teaching and research interests are invited to attend workshops sponsored by the Executive Vice Chancellor's Office on March 19 and 20 from 10:30 a.m. – noon in the Great Hall of the Kauffman Residential Center.
Participants will have the opportunity to delve into a variety of reports and consult with staff from the Undergraduate Student Success Team and the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics to discuss how to use this data to further student success at the course, program and institutional level. They will also have the opportunity to rotate among different stations to learn about the data most relevant to their teaching and research interests including:
- Course performance (DFW rates) reports and MyCourse Canvas analytics
- Graduation, retention, time-to-degree rates and other indicators of academic performance with filters for student demographics, colleges and programs
- 2019 National Survey of Student Engagement responses from first-year and senior students and responses from the Graduating Senior Survey on educational experience
- Curricular complexity maps for degree programs and visual representations of the majors and colleges in which undergraduates start and end their academic journeys
Each workshop is limited to 30 participants. Interested faculty can register online for either March 19 or March 20. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own laptops for viewing the data.
These workshops are part of the university's national participation in several initiatives focused on using data for student success. In 2018, UNL joined the APLU Powered by Publics Transformation Project as one of eight institutions in the Big Ten Academic Alliance analyzing students’ academic performance in high enrollment courses. In July 2019, UNL was one of 20 teams nationwide invited to participate in the Institute on Higher Education Data Policy.
“We are using data to examine curriculum and academic policies that might be adversely impacting equity in student achievement and overall degree completion,” said Amy Goodburn, senior associate vice chancellor and dean of undergraduate education. “Sharing this data with faculty empowers them to see patterns and trends and ask questions about their curriculum so that they can identify discipline-specific solutions to support their students’ success.”
Contact Amy Goodburn at agoodburn1@unl.edu or 402-472-6940 for more information.