The Center for Transformative Teaching will offer six workshops for instructors across the institution to explore topics related to artificial intelligence, competency grading, inclusive teaching, learning analytics, and international student support.
AI Petting Zoo: Introduction and Hands-On Work with Artificial Intelligence - Feb. 23, 10-11 a.m.
This immersive hands-on workshop will introduce participants to what artificial intelligence is, the myriad of types of AI that exist, how to effectively engage and use them, and ethical uses for both professional and student use. Come take part in the demonstrations and discussions about where AI is and the new horizons of where AI could go.
Alternative Grading: Focus on Competencies - Feb. 26, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
In this workshop, Anna Hiatt will share her approach to competency-based grading in her high enrollment classroom. She will share examples of how specifications-based grading has been incorporated into her class and some of the lessons she learned along the way. Attendees will be asked to consider the key effects of various grading practices they might implement in their own classes.
Revising Course Materials Through an Inclusive Framework - Feb. 27, 12-1 p.m.
This workshop will highlight key considerations for instructors developing equitable and achievable writing assignments. After reviewing the foundational principles of linguistic justice, participants will work together to review existing or planned course materials and to make revisions that reflect commitments to inclusive teaching. Participants should bring a syllabus, assignment, rubric, or ideas for future courses or assignments.
Teaching with Compassionate Challenge Webinar - Mar. 1, 10-11:30
Cavanagh will speak to the University of Nebraska regarding the role instructors play in addressing mental health challenges faced by our students. She proposes an educational approach focused on holding students accountable for rising to authentic challenges during their educational process and doing so compassionately, with their development as a key motivator.
Supporting International Students in the Classroom - March 5, 12-1 p.m.
International students sometimes face unique challenges in the classroom that instructors may be unprepared for. In this discussion-based workshop, members of the CTT and International Student and Scholar Office will help facilitate a conversation stemming from a series of case studies based on the lived experiences of international students.
Learning Analytics: Course Insights - March 8, 10-11 a.m.
During this workshop, participants will explore data from a course they have taught at least once and discuss how they might use learning analytics to inform questions they develop about student learning. By the end of the session, attendees will have outlined a small project they might do in response to what they’ve learned about their course.
Supporting Diverse Student Populations - March 22, 10-11 a.m.
This workshop will explore the unique needs of marginalized groups of students based on dimensions such as race, disability, age, and religion and discuss concrete strategies to help meet the unique needs of those students in the classroom to create a more inclusive and effective learning experience.
If you have any feedback regarding the CTT’s workshop offerings, contact Steven Cain at scain@unl.edu.
More details at: https://teaching.unl.edu/workshops/