The UNL Writing Center hosts Write-With-Us Fridays every other week from 2:30-4:30 pm in 102 Andrews Hall. Our next scheduled date is February 10th. Write-With-Us Fridays are designed to provide space and time for advanced writers, including faculty and graduate students, to make progress on ongoing writing projects. Anyone working on an extensive writing project is welcome to join in for these two hours of writing time. The Writing Center will be closed for other business and will be dedicated solely to providing advanced writers a congenial place to write alongside other writers.
During spring 2017, Write-With-Us Fridays will take place on the following dates:
February 10
February 24
March 10
March 31
April 14
Write-With-Us Fridays represent one way the UNL Writing Center seeks to engage with and support faculty as writers themselves. Faculty who are interested in connecting further with the Writing Center or learning more about faculty-geared Writing Center events are encouraged to fill out a short questionnaire: https://goo.gl/forms/uSOYe5YZtOU5aWo23.
The UNL Writing Center supports all writers, at all levels, at every stage of the writing process. All members of the UNL community, including faculty, staff, and students, are welcome to visit for one-with-one consulting as well as special events.
For more information contact: Dr. Rachel Azima, UNL Writing Center Director, razima2@unl.edu, http://www.unl.edu/writing