Research shows that student engagement is one of the strongest predictors of their success. Many students report that they want to get involved on campus but they aren’t sure how to do so. You can be a great resource for helping students learn about opportunities that extend and deepen their learning in your course. You can also remind them about academic deadlines. Here are 4 easy ways you can make a difference:
1. Spend one minute per class announcing upcoming events that relate to your course, such as speakers, panels, colloquia, job fairs, etc. You can find current listings at Nebraska Today http://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/today/ or Next@Nebraska.
Bonus: Require students to attend a campus event with you.
2. Use MyPLAN to raise flags, make referrals and send kudos. Letting students know that you care about their success makes them more likely to seek help when they need it.
Bonus: Ask students to identify the name and location of their assigned advisor, and how they might be helpful.
3. Remind students of academic deadlines, such as priority registration and the last day to withdraw from classes. Here’s a link to the academic calendar: http://registrar.unl.edu/2016-2017#tab2
Bonus: Encourage students who are withdrawing from your course to meet with an advisor and a financial aid counselor to be sure they are aware of the implications for their decision.
4. Remind students about opportunities (and deadlines) for high-impact practices such as UCARE, student leadership, education abroad, internships, etc.
Bonus: Recommend your students for campus and national awards and honors. The Office of Scholarships and Fellowships can provide you with strategies for writing effective recommendation letters. http://fellowships.unl.edu/