LTIs Provide Customization in Canvas

LTI workflow infograph
LTI workflow infograph

Canvas has proven to be a flexible and adaptive service for the UNL learning community. This brings both unique learning opportunities and increased requests for customization. It is the goal of UNL Information Technology Services (ITS) to approve LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) requests from instructors as quickly as possible. We need your help to identify sustainable technology that is scalable, simple to use, and that minimizes costs for student users.

Learning Tools Interoperability (LTIs for short) extend the functionality of our Canvas instance by providing single sign on support for students and instructors alike. ITS follows a clearance process to assure the security, accessibility and privacy of information shared with, and by, the LTI vendors and publishers. LTI developers and publishers may have high profile visibility in the education market, but the process they deploy to access student data creates a potential for “leaks” if it does not conform to industry standards. In the included diagram, the area bordered in red marked “area of concern” is the portion of an LTI that talks to our local Canvas service. It is this open connection, along with the student user interface that require a thorough analysis and review. Our goal is to efficiently review and integrate LTIs into our Canvas instance as requested by instructors in a timely manner. 

For additional information visit:
Canvas LTI integrations discussion,

Submit a request here,

More details at: