Turnitin Framework Update

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Over the UNL Winter break, ITS will replace the Turnitin API (check box ☑️enable Turnitin Submission) to the new Turnitin Framework. 

The new Framework works the same as the previous version but offers more options such as a grammar checker. The ETS e-rater technology allows for instant feedback on grammar and style within the submission.
Instructors can select the new Turnitin Framework at the same general location in Canvas when adding assignments.

Previously created assignments (copied courses) that used the Turnitin API will need to relink to the new Turnitin Framework assignment. Please see the instructions (https://unl.box.com/s/bop7d5un2vg1c5fjyxljta0fbouedj7i) for linking previous assignments to the new Turnitin Framework or contact the Canvas team (Canvas@unl.edu) for assistance.
Note: Turnitin LTI (selecting the External Tool option) will not be affected including assignments using the Turnitin External Tool.

More details at: https://go.unl.edu/7ccp