Today@UNL | Oct. 1, 2010

Financial counseling offered in October

financial_planning.jpgFree one-on-one financial counseling sessions will be offered to faculty and staff in October. TIAA-CREF will be at the Wick Alumni Center Library Oct. 12, 13 and 28 and at the East Union Oct. 6, 13, 22 and 27. Fidelity will be at the Nebraska Union Oct. 13 and 27 and the East Union Oct. 4 and 19. Continue reading…


'You Are Loved' project is Oct. 4

chalk_project_logo_4c_2010_q8pv11.jpgUNL will observe the "You are Loved Chalk Message Project," 2:30 to 5 p.m., Oct. 4 on the Nebraska Union Plaza. The project features the creation of uplifting messages to assist with suicide prevention. The messages are designed to counteract the negative messages directed at the LGBTQ community. Continue reading…

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Originally published October 1, 2010 - Submit an Item