UNL's Sustaining Digital History project is drawing scholars to campus for a daylong meeting.
Scholars, journal editors and others involved in digital history will meet today to discuss the future of the emerging field of study. The meeting will include editors of several history journals, including the American Historical Review and William and Mary Quarterly.
The gathering is part of the Sustaining Digital History project, which is led by Doug Seefeldt, associate professor of history; and Will Thomas, professor of history. The project received a $50,000 start-up grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities' Office of Digital Humanities earlier this year.
The project is designed to grow a network of digital history scholars, overcome challenges to peer review and design a process to connect scholars with journals interested in peer-reviewed scholarship. The Oct. 1 meeting, which includes presentations and roundtable discussions, will address those and related topics.
For more information about the project, go to http://digitalhistory.wordpress.com.
More details at: http://digitalhistory.wordpress.com