A storm sewer upgrade will deliver temporary lane closures and detours for Holdrege Street traffic headed to East Campus and Varner Hall.
The project - between 38th and 40th streets on Holdrege Street - is scheduled to begin today with individual lane closures. The work peaks Oct. 18-24 with a complete shutdown of the two-block stretch of Holdrege Street.
"The City of Lincoln is replacing and installing a new storm sewer system under and along Holdrege Street," said Charlie Griesen, construction coordinator for Utility Services. "When complete, the project is designed to alleviate storm water build up in the street."
The work is also the first step to a complete shutdown of Holdrege (from 33rd to 48th streets) for a resurfacing project in summer 2011. More information will be provided about the summer project as it comes available.
From Oct. 5 to 17, construction is scheduled to alternately close one of the three lanes on Holdrege. However, during the Oct. 18-24 shutdown, traffic should enter East Campus at 43rd Street and the East Campus Loop entrance/exit immediately east of Hardin Hall. East Campus driveways on 33rd Street and Huntington Avenue will not be affected by the construction.
The shutdown will block all entrance traffic to Varner Hall for the week of Oct. 18. However, Griesen said an old Starr Street entrance to the east side of the Varner Hall parking lot would be open to traffic. The most direct route for drivers coming from west of Varner Hall is to go to 33rd Street, turn east on Apple Street (five blocks south of Holdrege Street), turn north on 40th Street, then turn west on Starr Street. Drivers coming from the east on Holdrege should turn south on 41st Street, go one block and turn west on Starr Street.
"The Starr Street entrance is currently blocked by signage and dumpsters that we are moving," said Griesen. "We will also be using this east entrance into Varner when Holdrege closes for the summer construction project."
Download a map showcasing the construction area and detour options at http://go.unl.edu/2kq.
- Troy Fedderson, University Communications
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/2kq