An Academy Award-nominated animated film featuring Celtic mythology and a film inspired by a French woman's lie are playing at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center.
"The Secret of Kells" (not rated) follows Brendan, a young adventurer who lives in a remote medieval outpost under siege by barbarian raids. Brendan must overcome his fears and go on a quest to help a master illustrator finish an ancient book that brims with secret wisdom and powers. He ventures into an enchanted forest where mythical creatures hide, and receives assistance from a fairy and mysterious young wolf girl.
"The Secret of Kells," nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Film, mixes magic, fantasy and Celtic mythology to create a story about the power of imagination and faith to carry humanity through dark times.
Also playing at the Ross is Andre Techine's drama "The Girl on the Train." The film is based on a play by Jean-Marie Bassett and inspired by a polarizing event in which a French woman lied about being the victim of an anti-semetic attack on a Paris suburban train.
"The Girl on the Train" (not rated) and "The Secret of Kells" are playing through May 27 at the Ross. For more information, including show times, go to or call 472-5353.