This fall has been busy, challenging, and very productive. We've had a great 2017 cohort group this fall and they are progressing rapidly through the Level 1 curriculum in PGA Golf Management.
We had excellent fall weather and our success both on the course and off the course can be found in many of the articles in this newsletter. We are a little late with our fall edition, but I wanted to wait on publication since we had our strongest team competing in the Jones Cup in Florida this November. As you will read in the article, we had Kramer Samuelson earn a runner-up finish. Congratulations Kramer!
We also had an excellent fall for our students passing their Playing Ability Test (PAT). Read the article that details all our students who were successful this summer and fall. They all played some really good rounds and we are so fortunate to have access to the best courses in Lincoln with PATs being hosted at Mahoney Golf Course, Crooked Creek Golf Course, and the Highlands Golf Course. All three of these courses were in excellent shape this fall!
We also hosted our inaugural PGAM Alumni Reunion this September in conjunction with the Huskers/Rutgers' Homecoming football game (a Husker win). We played a fun round of golf at Wilderness Ridge on Friday, had our Open House on Saturday morning in Keim Hall, and then over to the CASNR Alumni Celebration in the East Campus Union before heading down to Memorial Stadium for the game. Special thanks to Nick Muller, Jason Harrell, and Josh White who were members of the first Honor Class for the program. And, thanks to all the current students and alums who played golf on Friday. Look forward to our Second Alumni Celebration next fall.
And...we keep on receiving more and more calls for interns and career positions in the golf industry for our program graduates. Folks...we are unable to meet the demand at this time and need some help. This is where you can play a critical and important role in recruitment for the PGA Golf Management Program at UNL.
Many of you can identify numerous individuals who may be interested in a career in the golf industry. I challenge you to reach out to these individuals and introduce them to the PGA Golf Management Program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, We are confident that if we can get an individual to make a campus visit, we can greatly increase the likelihood of having her/him enroll in program. We need you and the golf industry does too!
In closing, I wish each and everyone of you a joyous holiday season and that you are able to spend some quality time with family and friends. For many of us, we know not when we will come to the "back nine" of our lives. Live life to the fullest now and don't miss an opportunity to tell the people in our lives how special they are to you.
All the best for a super 2018!