The kick-off event for the inaugural PGA PGM Alumni Reunion was a golf outing at Wilderness Ridge Friday afternoon. We decided to have everyone play their own ball and just have an option of participating in a skins pool. Although the small turnout there was plenty of smack talk and we had great weather and a lot of fun.
Alumni that participated Friday were Nick Inutsuka, Seth Scollard, Sean O’Neill, Jason Harrell, Josh White and Grant Davis. There were also several current students that joined the group to meet and play with alumni. Current students that participated included Nickolaus St. Onge, Jonathan Kurylo, Kramer Samuleson, Aaron Hart and Blake Busch. Others that joined in the festivities included Scott Holly, Brad Goetsch, Dann Husmann, Jim White, Kirt Nolde, John Craw and Jeff Dankers. Terry Riordan, the program’s first director, also made an appearance and talked with the group and to meet everyone.
After golf we all met in the grill at Wilderness to square up, catch up and reminisce about the past and to talk about the current status of the program. There were some very good discussions on the future of the alumni group and what to do for the 2nd Annual Alumni Celebration.
Discussions included; what needs to be communicated to the alumni group and how that communication should happen, timing and location of alumni events, how to give back/support program and students and how to recognize alumni for their support and contributions.
On Saturday morning, there were tours of the newly renovated facilities in Keim Hall and later in the morning everyone moved on over to the CASNR Alumni Celebration in the Great Plains Room of the Nebraska East Union.
Look for the dates of the next alumni celebration to come out in the spring newsletter.
More details at: https://pgm.unl.edu