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As of March 1, 2016 news releases are integrated into UNL Today as a section of curated stories that include subject/expert contact info and high-resolution photography assets.

UNL News Releases

301 through 315 out of 4957
release date headline event date
UNL to offer faculty voluntary separation incentives at age 62
Some University of Nebraska-Lincoln faculty will be eligible to choose early retirement under a Voluntary Separation Incentive Program (VSIP) to be offered this fall. Through this program, the university will offer partial salary b…
UNL to offer accelerated master's degree program in elementary teaching
For those who always had a desire to teach but ended up going into another field, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Education and Human Sciences has a new program that can reopen the door to a teaching career. In May, the Department of T…
UNL to observe National Depression Screening Day Oct. 4
The Counseling and Psychological Services of University Health Center and the Employee Assistance Program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will offer education and screenings for a range of common emotional conditions in accordance with National…
UNL to note Week Without Violence Oct. 12-15
Violence is a choice. Each person who commits violence, on some level, has made that choice. In this year's observance of Week Without Violence, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will remind students and the broader community to make the choice not …
UNL to note first 'Constitution Day' with discussion Sept. 16
A constitutional law expert, a law college dean and a legal historian will put the U.S. Constitution to discussion to recognize the first "Constitution Day" at a discussion panel 1:30 p.m. Sept. 16 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Law…
UNL to move Friday commencement ceremonies indoors
With inclement weather in the forecast for Friday, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's graduate commencement ceremonies will be moved indoors. Separate ceremonies are now scheduled for master's and doctoral candidates. …
UNL to lead network studying early education policy, practices
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln has earned $6.5 million to shape Nebraska early childhood practices and policies, while leading a national network committed to improving children's outcomes. The project is part of the multi-institutional Early Le…
UNL to lead consortium focused on studying severe weather with drones
Seeking to remain at the leading edge of severe storm research using drones, scientists at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the University of Colorado Boulder have formed a consortium among their research collaborators. The Unmanned Aircraft S…
UNL to lead $7 million collaboration to develop nanoelectronic devices
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln will lead a new $7.125 million research collaboration involving six universities and an industry consortium to develop a new generation of electronic devices. Semiconductor…
UNL to launch Student Veterans Resource Center
This fall, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's student veteran population will have a home base to support them with all aspects of university life. UNL's new Student Veterans Resource Center will be located in the Nebraska Union and will be aimed …
UNL to launch new college integrating fine and performing arts, architecture
Two University of Nebraska-Lincoln colleges will consolidate to build new programs that attract today's students and expand research collaborations, top UNL administrators said. Chancellor Harvey Perlman and…
UNL to launch 'Real Men, Real Depression' campaign Oct. 4
In an attempt to reach men who may be experiencing depression and in need of psychological consultation, a "Real Men, Real Depression" campaign will be launched Oct. 4 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The UNL campaign is in conjunction with the…
UNL to induct 8 into Nebraska Hall of Computing
The Computer Science and Engineering Department at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will celebrate the newest inductees into the Nebraska Hall of Computing on April 10. The 2015 group includes eight members with ties to the state who have made sig…
UNL to host Women Interested in Engineering Day
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Engineering & Technology and the student chapter of the Society of Women Engineers will host Women Interested in Engineering Day on Sept. 24. The one-day conference was established in 1998 to encourage yo…
UNL to host Whitman anniversary event March 31-April 2
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln will play host to an international event, the "Leaves of Grass" 150th Anniversary Conference, March 31 through April 2. The conference will draw upon the expertise of more than two dozen distinguished Walt Whitman a…


For questions regarding these releases, contact:
Sean Hagewood
Phone: (402) 472-8514
Fax: (402) 472-7825

The UNL Office of University Communications maintains this database of news releases for media professionals. If there are additional functions that would be of interest to you, please email us.