The 2024 Lancaster County 4-H/FFA Livestock Checklist is now online at https://lancaster.unl.edu/4h/fair/2024/livestock-checklist-24-updated.pdf and available at the Extension office. This handout lists deadlines, events and identification requirements for showing at the Lancaster County Super Fair and State Fair, as well as information about the Youth for the Quality Care of Animals requirements.
New DNA Envelopes in 2024: Past DNA envelopes are no longer valid and should be discarded. New envelopes may be picked up at the Extension office. Each livestock project must have a DNA envelope submitted and a $7 nomination paid on Show Stock Manager by June 15. This includes feeder calves, and all market and breeding livestock for ALL SPECIES (excluding rabbits and poultry). With this update, livestock animals will automatically be eligible for both breeding and market.
Lancaster County 4-H & FFA Market and Breeding Identification Certificates will allow up to 11 animals of one project area (such as beef or meat goat) to be identified on one sheet. Certificates are available as a carbon copy at the Extension office. If you use the forms online at https://lancaster.unl.edu/4h/fair, make a copy for your records.
If you have any questions about the livestock projects, contact Madelaine Polk at 402-441-7180 or mpolk2@unl.edu.