Teams of four high schoolers and one or two adult coaches are invited to join the Department of Statistics and Nebraska 4-H to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of data science, statistics, and numerical literacy. This full-day competition will feature interactive head-to-head competitions, providing a platform for teams to showcase their skills. Additionally, participants will have the valuable opportunity to interact with the University recruitment team and industry professionals.
The College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) is generously sponsoring the registration costs for the first 20 teams.
CASNR is also sponsoring the top prizes of EIGHT $500 scholarships.
More information and registration information is available at https://4h.unl.edu/data-driven
You are encouraged to share this information with your contacts in local schools and community groups as well - we welcome registrations from 4-H Clubs, School Groups, Community Groups, Homeschool Groups - really any group of four high school aged youth ready to engage in some exciting activities! Please direct any questions to Kimberly Stanke at kstanke2@unl.edu